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The New Evolution Diet: What Our Paleolithic Ancestors Can Teach Us about Weight Loss, Fitness, and Aging

The New Evolution Diet: What Our Paleolithic Ancestors Can Teach Us about Weight Loss, Fitness, and Aging My friend,Sean S., led me to Art De Vany’s blog a few years ago. He came out with a book last December. A surprising addition to the central theme of the book is the afterword written by Nasim … Continue reading »

Categories: Fitness, Food, Running, Sports | Leave a comment

Is Sugar Toxic?

Is Sugar Toxic? via the NY Times I contributed this comment (loved reading this article after munching on Trader Joe’s jelly beans last night while watching The Expendables): What was the typical diet of these cancer-free Inuit Indians? My guess is that it was high in animal proteins and fats and very low in fruits … Continue reading »

Categories: Fitness, Food | Leave a comment

Lunch at the Symantec Cafeteria with the kids

Ate lunch with the kids at the Symantec cafeteria today. I couldn’t believe how quickly they inhaled their burgers. Their fries are good, but it’s their onion rings which are spectacular. We all shared a Sobe Green Tea. Even the kids thought it was too sweet. 250 calories for the bottle.

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Fermented Taro in Hawaii

I read this Organic Gardening article about farming in Kauai, and the most interesting part to me was the information on taro. The taro root serves a similar position to the potato in Hawaiian cuisine. In Michael Pollan’s The Botany of Desire, he describes how there were hundreds of different varieties of potatoes created to … Continue reading »

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